Monday, February 23, 2009

What Happens in Vegas

What Happens in Vegas. Released May 8th, 2008. Now on DVD. Staring Ashton Kutcher, and Cameron Diaz. Worth the $3.50? Yes. If you're looking for a good movie night with the girls, or a romantic-comedy with your boyfriend, this movie is a winner. While not the most original or surprising movie out there, it does have all the basic elements for a feel-good flick.

Let me give you the run-down. Girl is engaged. Girl gets dumped. Boy works for his dad. Boy gets fired. They both go to Vegas, get drunk, get married, win a jackpot, and are forced to make their marriage "work" for 6 months as the judge will not grant them an annulment. Now it gets interesting!

If anyone has seen How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days, its along that same basis of trying to get under the others skin, however in this case, it's trying to get the other one to cheat as well.

As anyone can guess over the course of the movie the two start to get to know each other and actually fall in love. Surprise surprise! Moral of the story? You can get drunk and married and Vegas and still have a happy ending. :0)

Overall I give it a 7.5. A movie I would watch again on TV, will always laugh at, but isn't something I would tell someone they absolutely have to go see. It's the perfect movie to watch if you can't dedicate 100% of your time to it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

I got the opportunity to watch this movie on opening day, February 6th. The theater was packed with mostly groups of girls, and a few, like me, who were accompanies by their boyfriend. It was much like the Sex and the City crowd.

I was mostly psyched about getting to see Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck, Drew Barrymore, and Justin Long all in a movie together. And lets just say yes Justin Long is sexy.

On to the show! I was disappointed to see that gave it only a 42%. I, as a Sex & the City and Friends loving female found it funny and charming.

The pros: A lot of dating humor and technological trends. Mentioning MySpace as the new "booty call" got a lot of laughs, as well as the maze of technology Mary (Drew Barrymore) had to go through only to get rejected.

Cons: Besides that the females in the movies are constantly obsessing over their relationships, or lack there of, and no real plot twists happen, nothing too much to complain about. I did become quite pissed off at Ben (Bradley Cooper) when he finally does actually take the plunge and cheats on his wife.

My favorite moment was at the end however, and since I haven't yet decided if I am going to do the whole spoiler thing, I am just going to say there was a lot of "Awww!"s and I was offered a sleeve to wipe my overly-girly teary eyes.

Go see it. It's still worth the $8. Perhaps skip the $4 popcorn though.